And Kids, This Is How I Met Your Father

Seperti yang sudah pernah aku ceritakan, aku baru saja menikah. Belum panjang usia pernikahanku. Baru 3 bulan saja. Dan karena males ngepost-ngepost personal life, aku nggak pernah sekalipun memunculkan calon suamiku (dulu waktu masih calon (bahkan sampai sekarang setelah sah menikah)) di media sosial. Tapi akhirnya aku berniat ngepost ah, sebagai bentuk apresiasi atas hal-hal menyenangkan dalam hidup sama buat kenang-kenangan. Pun cerita dan post ini akhirnya aku publish setelah 3 bulan lebih kami menikah, alias udah lulus probation (halah).


Kids, I'm gonna tell you an incredible story. The history of your existance.

But before that, I want you to know that life is a journey. On the other hand, life is also like a box of chocolate, like Forrest Gump said, because you'll never know what you're gonna get. You just walk without knowing what will happen next. Sometimes you might not get what you want, but the other time it's full of surprises, something you never expect but eventually it makes you happy . Just like when you got a toy inside your pack of snack. And like when you walk through your normal life journey: you went to school, graduated, got a job and all, but then the surprise was that this man appeared. This box of chocolate called life has accidentally brought me to the significant thing in my life. And kids, this is the story of how I met your father.

It all started in 2017.

We barely know each other until we first met when he interviewed me. Yes, he was my manager and he did recruit me. But at that moment we had no feelings towards each other. I got my job purely due to my competence. Quite soon after my first month, he made a move after some chats, talks, stories sharing, and all. He asked me out, then he said he wanted to know me better and deeper, and he had the intention of having a serious relationship with me. That time, I felt like lightning strikes above my head. As far as I remember, di antara teman sepermainanku semasa kuliah, aku adalah yang tersantuy dalam menjawab obrolan kapan pengen nikah dan perihal kejombloan. Nanti kalau emang udah ketemu jodohnya aja deh, kataku dulu. Aku memang punya rencana menikah dan berumah tangga, bahkan udah punya certain bar buat calonku kelak, but I have other priorities too at that time. I was just 21, freshly graduated and eager to experience what so called the real world. And now this someone out of nowhere came trying to mess up my plan. He was kind and smart and I can talk so many with him. But somehow that's not enough to convinced me that he is the right person and this is the right time. So I answered him coldly, "Okay let's get to know each other but don't expect too much from me. I have other priorities that I want to pursue. I haven't thought about serious relationship yet."

And that's how I met your father, kids.

Not end of story though.

Time flew and I was still as cold as ever. People who know me will be able to imagine what I refer as cold. Not a single time I showed a sign of a yes. But we still held into each other. I didn't show a sign that any of us should leave too.

Kids, the proverb said that persistence can grind an iron beam down into a needle. For me, it can also melt down an icy cold heart, kids. Persistence shows not only your effort, but it also reveals that you are faithful and what your truly intention is. Perhaps that's why I was convinced that your father is the one.

We had a tense situation once. I thought that was almost the end of his persistence after nearly a year long I insisted that that was still not the right time for us. We were on our own for some time. Thinking, reflecting, and internalizing our feeling. After a while, when I thought he will never come back to me, the fate said otherwise. He texted me again, he asked me out. He asked me for the last time if I will marry him. This time my head nodded. Then he smiled. He smiled after that smile was gone from my sight. During my reflection moment I realized that he actually exceed the bar that I set. And somehow I could accept the idea of spending my whole life with him. Suddenly I have the faith that he is the one.

That day is the day that we will remember forever, kids. And here I must confess that he proposed me in a condition where I haven't took a bath since morning and it was in a warung sate klathak full of flies! Not romantic you think? That's exactly what makes it memorable.

Now here we are. Three months married and we are grateful to have each other.


Tiga bulan ini jujur aja masih nggak berhenti belajar tentang satu sama lain. Gimana supaya kita bisa saling asih, asah, dan asuh bersama. Yang pasti dia masih orang yang sesabar itu dalam menghadapiku di saat stabil maupun labil. Dia juga masih orang yang sama yang aku kenal mudah bersyukur dan menyimpan sejuta harapan optimisnya buat apa pun yang dia yakini dan dia ingin lakukan. Dia juga selalu mudah melihat hal positif di semua situasi, bahkan ketika situasi sedang terasa pahit sekalipun. Aku selalu belajar ini dari dia. Dia nggak pernah nuntut aku macem-macem ini itu yang susah-susah. Aku bilang aku nggak suka dan nggak bisa masak pun dia terima. "Yaudah sekali-sekali aja pas kamu pengen masak yang gampang," katanya. Dia selalu bersyukur dan bilang makasih ke aku walaupun ketika aku cuma siapin makan nasi telur atau nasi abon. Momen lain yang bikin aku terharu adalah saat dia bilang, "aku bahagia kalo liat kamu bahagia," tiap kali aku terlihat ceria. He said that despite of my everyday rant.

Jadi itu ceritaku selama ini. Masih sangat seumur jagung memang. Seumur tauge bahkan ya. Tapi semoga bisa menjadi awal yang baik buat kehidupan kita berdua seterusnya. Dan semoga kita dan keturunan anak cucu kelak menjadi keluarga yang dikumpulkan kembali di surga-Nya ya. Jadi nggak cuma till the death do us apart.

Bonus ya guys, ini ada foto di hari bahagia kita.


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